We help people to build trust
to achieve success
to develop

What distinguishes Assess?

We are united by the idea of creating a psychological consulting company that can meet a wide range of needs of companies and organizations, as well as individuals.

What makes us different is that we are the only psychological company in Bulgaria that has four different areas of professional focus: criminal psychology, organizational psychology, sports psychology and psychological consulting.

The synergy between these areas and the competencies of the individual experts in them makes us unique. The experience gained over the years allows us to find the most appropriate solutions for which slients seek our assistance.

We love challenges. And we are committed and passionate about creating a better organizational environment to develop people's skills and potential.

How can our services help you?

The Personality Behind
The Personality Behind "The Mask" in UK
Assess LTD. Presented the results on the project “Security personnel online training for detecting risky and deceptive behaviour /EU Protect/”-image
Assess LTD. Presented the results on the project “Security personnel online training for detecting risky and deceptive behaviour /EU Protect/”

Basic concepts in recognizing deceptive behavior

CRIME CAST episode 1CrimeCast 1

Flag of Europe

Финансирано от европейския съюз


Recovery and Resilience Plan

План за възстановяване и устойчивост

Наименование на проекта: Решения в областта на информационните и комуникационни технологии и киберсигурността в малките и средните предприятия, Договор № BG-RRP-3.005-0875-C01

Краен получател: АСЕС ЕООД

Обща стойност: 19 700,00 лв., от които 19 700,00 лв. безвъзмездно финансиране.

Начало: 10.11.2023 г. Край: 10.08.2024 г.

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